Sprite Goes Naked

Photo: Coca-ColaAn important update for Sprite in the UK. The Coca-Cola Company will temporarily remove labels from Sprite and Sprite Zero on-t...

Hybrid Seminar to Promote Knowledge Sharing at Kyushu University, Japan

On July 7, 2023, the "K-Share" community at Kyushu University organized a successful hybrid seminar, bringing together students from various fields to share knowledge and experiences. The event, held from 17:00 to 18:00 JST, aimed to provide insights

South Korean Innovative ripeness stages Banana packaging to avoid wastage

In South Korea, it's not uncommon to find bananas packaged together in various ripeness stages. This unique approach to packaging bananas has become a popular trend in the country, and it's not hard to see why.When you buy a bunch of bananas in a typ

Tax Holiday required documents in Bangladesh

In order to enjoy the tax holiday facility, interested industrial entrepreneur should have to apply to the National Board of Revenue within six months from the date of commencement of production process.If you fail t...

Is Jute is a Hygroscopic Fiber ?

Yes, Jute is a hygroscopic fiber. It means jute absorb moisture from nature. The volume would be sane but due to this moisture weight could be up and down. Weight could be high and could below; it depends on the moisture and how jute will absorb.&nbs

Pragoti to Manufacture its Own Brand Automobiles by Mitsubishi's Technical Assistance

Pragati Industries Limited, a state-owned company, will manufacture the automobiles with technical assistance from Mitsubishi Corporation of Japan. To this end, the ‘Automobile Industry Development Policy 2020’ will be finalized very soon. In the

Google Using Internet Cycles In India’s Villages To Qualify Rural Women

The ratio of internet users in India for women is not much praise-worthy. Today only 15% of Internet users in rural India are women as per the iCube 2016 report. The Internet is badly needed for empowering women in India. The good news is that Tata T

‘Laser lover’ Nobel laureate Donna Strickland

Canadian physicist Donna Strickland describes herself as a "laser jock". He won the Nobel Prize in Physics on Tuesday for working with this laser.Donna gave her name in an interview with a Canadian newspaper after winning the Nobel Prize. He highligh

What are the best ways to find out about hidden cameras in hotel rooms?

The hidden camera hidden in the hotel room does not give any clue as to when offensive pictures or videos of women are being taken. And these cameras are hidden in places that are mostly used by women but in places w...

This time the Japanese smart mask will work as a translator

Experts say there is no substitute for avoiding infection in this pandemic which is created for covid-19 . So many companies have risen and fallen to capture the global market for masks. Not only is the 'invisible en...

Is Jute is Biodegradable?

                                                              Biodegradable as those mater...

How To Write initials of your name ?


Is Jute is a Hygroscopic Fiber ?

                                                Yes, Jute is a hygroscopic fiber. It means jute absorb moisture from nature. ...

Re-branding concept for Janata Bank Limited Time's Demand

                                                     Janata Bank Limited is a sta...

First Vice President of the Ukrainian League of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs Founder of K.Fund

Vasyl Khmelnytsky Vasyl KhmelnytskyAn entrepreneur who pushes forward innovations in various sectors of the Ukrainian economy. In 2015, Vasyl Khmelnytsky united his public activities within K.Fund. The fund’s ...

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